„Ihr kleiner Finger ist dicker als meine Hüfte.“ Die Funktion von Topoi in der Responsa-Sammlung Ele Divre ha-Brit


  • Nicola Kramp-Seidel Steinheim-Institut, Essen




topoi, responsa, Law-and-Literature, Hamburg Temple disputes


In 1819 the book Ele Divre ha-Brit – a collection of 22 responsa – was edited by the Bet Din (rabbinical court) in Hamburg. The Bet Din intended to condemn the reforms established in Hamburg by the reformers prior to this time. In this paper I would like to highlight the rhetoric used in the responsa which are collected in Ele Divre ha-Brit. I intend to present different forms of topoi in order to analyse the functions generated by the use of topoi. I would like to show how the respondents’ goal was to justify their rulings and to demonstrate their authority. Furthermore, I set out how the respondents intend to devaluate the reformers by using different kinds of topoi. Hence, the focus in this paper lies on an analysis of responsa as literature. This field of studies represents one of two trends in the Law-and-Literature-Movement: law in literature and law as literature. Important analyses to examine responsa as literature were carried out by Mark Washofsky and in my paper I will follow his analytic approach. Due to the fact that a respondent constructs his responsum by arranging his arguments, by using topoi or metaphors and by implementing stylistic devices it is worthwhile to focus on rhetoric in responsa.


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How to Cite

Kramp-Seidel, N. (2023). „Ihr kleiner Finger ist dicker als meine Hüfte.“ Die Funktion von Topoi in der Responsa-Sammlung Ele Divre ha-Brit. Judaica. Neue Digitale Folge, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.36950/jndf.2023.1.22