Die frühneuzeitlichen Talmudausgaben im Bestand des Jüdischen Museums der Schweiz
Talmud prints, book history, early modern era, book printing, censorshipAbstract
This article examines three early modern books from the holdings of the Jewish Museum of Switzerland, all of which contain Talmud prints from the presses of Daniel Bomberg (1483-1553) in Venice or Ambrosius Froben (1537-1602/03) in Basel. Both printers are among the few who printed complete editions of the Talmud in the 16th century. While Bomberg printed the first Talmud edition ever and it is still considered a masterpiece in book history, the "Basel Talmud" printed by Froben is considered mutilated due to the censorship applied. In addition to a detailed cultural-historical classification of the two printers and their work, the analysis also includes an overview of the influence of Christian censorship on Jewish and Hebrew book production in sixteenth-century Europe, as well as an assessment of the contemporary use of Hebrew books and the Talmud. Subsequently, the three volumes will be analysed on the basis of their content, but also their materiality and the handwritten entries, and, as far as possible, theses will be formulated on their provenance and their way into the holdings of the Jewish Museum of Switzerland.
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