Als die Christen den Talmud kennenlernten

Überlegungen auf Basis der Extractiones de Talmud


  • Ursula Ragacs Universität Wien



Jewish-Christian Controversy, Nicolas Donin, Talmud, Extractiones de Talmud (1245), Disputation Paris 1240


In 1238 or 1239, the Jewish convert Nicholas Donin presented Pope Gregory IX with 35 accusations against the Talmud. As a result, not only was a disputation held in Paris (1240), but a collection of 1922 quotations from the Babylonian Talmud translated into Latin was also compiled (1245). These Extractiones de Talmud were initially arranged according to the order of the Talmud, but were then divided into 13 chapters with polemical and anti-Jewish titles. Both versions are preceded by introductions that, although building on each other, reveal a number of differences. The present study shows by way of example that many of these differences can probably be attributed to the influence of Nicholas Donin.


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How to Cite

Ragacs, U. (2024). Als die Christen den Talmud kennenlernten: Überlegungen auf Basis der Extractiones de Talmud. Judaica. Neue Digitale Folge, 5(1).